Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Brett's 78 CB400T Update!!

So after getting my bikes done for Born Free, it was time to buckle down and get Brett's 78 done. Everything started coming together and piece by piece it started resembling a Motorcycle.
 Brett toke off to Alaska to weld on a pipeline, so I started husslin every spare minute to get to this point. Terry Teets out of Addy, WA did the awesome lambskin seat for us, and for a reasonable price! Thanks Terry! I got the tank all brazed up and ready to go, and I threw a coat of Kreem tank liner in it just in case. I also made a custom mount for the chrome headlight via Lowbrow customs.
 The motor bolted right in and I had the cases and valve cover sandblasted and then took rubbing compound and polish to them to give them that factory fresh raw look. I did the same with the rearsets, and filled them full of speedholes. The drag bars fit the look Brett is after, and were still deciding on paint. I love the look of the skinny 3.50 firestones, this thing should turn in real quick!!
All in all, since these pics, I got the taillight mounted, chain hooked up, front wheel mocked up (although I got some brake issues to figure out..) My pop got the tank all smoothed out and primered up. The next post you see she should be a roller! I plan on road testing this girl late September. hopefully.

1 comment:

  1. Any updates on the bike? I'd love to see the results...looks like an awesome build. Maybe I can pick your brain on the rear-end some time..

