Monday, April 16, 2012

Slugging!! bout damn time..

First off, sorry for the d-lay!! I've been working on the road non-stop the last month so I haven't had a ton of time to work on my toys. But... I've had a couple semi drunken, productive weekends so here's a little diddy on slugging. you can use this for frames, bars and pretty much anything that needs to be joined..

So first off, I have one half of the puzzle shown. The frame's upright tube is on the left, and the slug is on the right. The slug is a piece of stock that will slip tightly in the piece being joined. It allows a nice tight fit and extra weld points resulting in a much stronger joint.

Here is the Slug inserted into the upright. Notice the drilled hole. I drilled completely through the upright before inserting the Slug.


 Here's the upright and slug in place ready to tack weld. Notice the hole in the frame. Just like before, drilled all the way through. I have already welded and grinded/sanded down the upright prior to install.

 And here it is all in place. A little finish grinding on the weld hole will make it disappear.

Here's 50 cents!.. I like to cut my pieces around the seam with a grinder at about 45-50 degrees as you can see in the pics. This allows for a much deeper, wider weld that you can keep low on the surface for finishing, but achieve maximum penetration for a strong joint..

All in all, grab an old handle bar, cut it in half and rejoin it for fun before attempting to do a frame or swing arm.. GOOD LUCK!!

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