Wednesday, January 30, 2013

im not dead...yet.

 Holy crap! I haven't updated this blog in quite sometime.. life takes over man.. time is scarce and I just haven't had time. Nonsense. I live out of a fucking hotel room 5-10 days a week, i don't have time..dumb. But damn, I really don't. Half the time I'm splitting the room with a co-worker so the creative process is shot. sit in a hotel, watch the boob tube and slam man cans. that's how i roll Monday through Friday. I travel with a crew of 4, all over the northwest building cell phone towers.Wake up at 3:00am Monday, take off to god knows where and not come back til Friday or the following Thursday (the dreaded 10 day!!) fuck.
 Needless to say, I'm a damn weekend warrior! I bust my ass all week to provide for my family. I bust my ass to skate and snowboard and most important to me at the moment, build bikes. And on the weekends, I squeeze all of the above into a fun packed whirlwind of amazement. Roll in Friday night, be the good dad, wrench on bikes, snowboard, wrench on bikes, ice skate, mini golf, music lessons, kisses goodbye and roll out Monday. Its a harsh lifestyle, but it pays the bills and keeps the kiddos stoked.

 Which leads me to garage life. It doesn't pay the bills, but it soothes the savage beast. It is my most stress reliving thing to do ever. Even if I am so pissed while building bikes, I am 10 times happier than my BEST day at work.. Needless to say, I've come a long way on Kevin's XS build. AKA Ol' Dirty Black. Lots of handmade garage shit. I Should have her in roller status this weekend or next. I'll have a full post on it real soon.

 Brett's bike turned into a nightmare. The gas tank that we all had soooo much time into, leaked like a fucking siv! junk. moving on. Another 74 XS650 tank and 8 hours later, I have the majority of his tank done. Custom dented to clear the CB400 valve cover. I shaved about 3/4's of the press lip off all the way around. New bung, custom petcocks and adaptor plates and its off to body work then to Spagettys Garage Co for some sweet ass paint!

 The Orange Krush is getting torn down for a complete rebuild. 21" / 18" wheels, powder coat everything, fresh paint for the tins, 5th gear overdrive, PMA kit. Should be a clean ass rig that'll run anywhere. Plan is to ride it to Born Free 5. My keeper. for now....

 On top of that Ive been helping my old man with his XS650 build, which is coming right along. Bratstyle. Same frame design as the Krush, bu with my old mans different little twists.. I also acquired another 81' XS650. A fucking gem. One owner, 5860 original miles. I have some ideas, it should be good.

 All in all I'm fucking busy. I'll post sooner than later. Seriously, no more jerking off. I'm really gonna focus. Anyway, I really probably should get back to jacking off in my hotel room. Super 8. KING SIZE SON!